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High Vibration!

“High Vibration!”

Another event from “Drums for One and All” facilitated by Dave Drumhead Curry.  This was my first time I was going to attend.  Did not know what to expect but was flowing and following my heart.

The day came and I gathered some of my voices (instruments) plus all four flutes.  I was asked by Dave, if I would be interested in playing the flute.  Of course I agreed and they were all packed.  I arrived and the event started with a welcome and a beautiful reading.  We did the smudging to cast away any negative energy.  Then the Native American four direction address.  Now the order of this event, I am not sure but it did happened!  HAHAH!

We drummed softly, we chanted some great Buddhist, Native American and Hebrew songs, we drummed at a higher volume then we moved to a wonderful soft beat played by a wonderful conga drummer, Pat C.  Then many grabbed some frame drums and played Native American rhythms while moving within a circle.

While they were drumming and moving, I picked up one of my flutes and started to play, which kind of set the tone for the next phase.

Dave asked everyone to stand and paired them.  One out of the two would be like a rooted seaweed and the other would be like the water/ocean.  This is called the “Wakame Taiso”,  the seaweed exercise.  The pair would stand facing each other.  The seaweed would stand, with eyes closed and have their body and mind completely relaxed and letting go of all tension from every day life.  The ocean would gently flow their hands around the side of their face, their shoulders without ever directly touching.

Dave gestured for me to start playing.  I closed my eyes, I did not know what to play nor what to expect.  I started to blow the breath of life into my flute and feel the energy of the individuals around me.  I played and played and heard nothing but myself, for the room was in total silence.  In solitude and pureness.  After I finished, I opened my eyes and felt so elevated and refreshed.  I had lost myself within my flute, becoming as one.

Dave explained to switch the roles.  I then switched my flute to another.  I once again, closed my eyes and started to play, not knowing but knew it was coming from my heart.  At one point I opened my eyes and started to look around while playing.  I felt a great release of all proud ness, a total humbling of one self.  The  movements of the seaweeds were enchanting.  It was a trusting and releasing of all that bounds.  The movements of the ocean was sincere, pure and caring.  There was a deep connection between the seaweed and the ocean.   It was so beautiful to feel and see humanity in its pureness.  Trusting, openness, releasing, welcoming, giving, sharing, equal to one another. I then closed my eyes again and continued my playing, as my heart was being fed…

~~In this event, we all connected.   A connection of each other as one. A trust of each other as one.  The seaweed and the ocean are as one.  Moving with the current of life, feeding each other.  Sensing what cannot be seen but can be felt.  A lesson is to be learned. Its simply simple!!!

We see with our eyes. We know with our hearts. Outside…Inside.

~~Cantus Fraggle